One of the funniest (and embarrassing) things that happened was the first night on the ship. Remember as you read this that this was our first cruise. Not used to these tight quarters! As we went to bed the first night Doug turned off the light and got into bed. Our bed was against the wall and I was already in bed. As we lay in the dark for a few minutes talking, all of a sudden the light went back on. Doug got up again and turned it off again. Got back into bed and laid down and sure enough, the light popped on again! What’s the deal here?? So, Doug gets up once again, turns off the light and gets into bed. By now he is just daring it to come back on again. Well, of course, in a couple minutes it comes back on. So by now he was really frustrated. So, he gets up and calls the attendant who calls the maintenance person. Did I mention it was about 1:30am? So, shortly after we hear a rap on the door. I have by now turned toward the wall and pretended to be asleep. Doug explains the problem to the maintenance person who was foreign and only spoke (and understood) broken English. By the way, 90% of the ship staff is foreign. After a few minutes of explaining and trying to get his point across the maintenance person walks over to the bed, pulls back Doug’s pillow and points to the light switch. Dah! I started laughing to myself and I’m sure my whole body was shaking with laughter! The next morning early, as we were walking down the hall to breakfast we passed one of the ship staff. As soon as we did Doug leaned to me and said “that was the maintenance person from last night!” I think I heard him calling us “idiots” as we passed him. Not really, well if he did I wouldn’t have understood it anyway since I don’t speak French.
The further south we got the warmer the temperature was. Our captain pointed out Los Cabos when we passed it. This was the first land we had seen in 2 days. We continued south to our first port which was Puerto Vallarta.

Next we stopped at Mazatlan and Doug wanted to visit a real Mexican market. We took a pulmonia to old downtown to the market and ate lunch and walked through the market. Doug was impressed with the pigs head – oh, and let’s not forget the menudo.

Our third day at port was the morning only at Los Cabos. We were able to get off the ship about 6am, and had to be back on by 10:30 or so. Not many things were open at that time of day, but of course that doesn’t stop the locals from coming down to the dock and selling their wares. For what we saw in our short time in Los Cabos we decided that it was just too commercialized. It was beautiful, clean and more modern than both Mazatlan and Puerto Vallarta. We both decided that next time we do a trip to Mexico (and there will be a next time!) we will visit somewhere where we can get into the culture of the area, talk to the locals, etc.

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