Since we didn't start our walk until around 2pm it was very hot as we
walked along the river . We decided
to stop at Café Ole restaurant for guacamole and chips and drinks
to cool off. It was refreshing and fun
to sit outdoors on the rivers edge.
Afterward we walked a little more but it was just too hot.
We decided to go back to hotel and I went down to the
pool. The pool was indoor/outdoor which
was nice. The water temperature was a little
warm, but not uncomfortable. There was a
little area with shade outside so I sat there for a while then moved
indoors. Inside was a large atrium
area with some ping pong tables as well as several lounge chairs. It was a great space to relax, read and just
enjoy some downtime.
On Tuesday Doug went to a business meeting so I walked over
to the Alamo which was a few blocks from the hotel. It was early enough that it wasn’t too
hot. On the way I walked through the
Rivercenter Mall which was across from the hotel and the most direct route to
the Alamo. As I was walking through the
mall I went into the Imax Theatre area and decided to buy a pass for the Hop on
– Hop Off Trolley, which included one Imax movie and one boat ride on the
River Walk. I elected to see the 3D movie
“Tornado Alley” and planned on coming back after my Alamo visit.
There is so much of our nation’s history at the Alamo. I did an audio tour which gave me a
lot of information about the battle that was held there. Several of the existing buildings are still
standing. I learned so much about the history and people who fought for our country there.
I headed back to the Imax theatre and watched my “free”
movie, then stopped for a bite to eat before heading back to the hotel. Once there I headed to the pool for some
downtime while Doug was working. The day
before the pool had been warm but not uncomfortable. Today the pool was actually hot and felt more
like a hot tub than a pool. The hoses that bring water into the pool were
actually pouring in hot water. Since it
was close to 100 outside I mostly stayed in the atrium area and only dipped in
the pool a couple times for a short while.
It was weird that it was so hot but there wasn’t really anyone available
to mention it to.
For dinner we once again went with Stefan, this time to Casa Rio, a Mexican restaurant on the River Walk. Once again the ambiance was nice, but none of
us were impressed with the food. We
all agreed that the River Walk restaurants for the most part were overpriced and
more about the location.
Back on the Trolley with a different driver, then next stop
that I got off was the Market Square which was a historic area similar to all of the Mexican
markets we go to with crafts, food etc.
Once we were back at the beginning of our tour I headed back to the
hotel, then down to the pool. Once again
the water was “hot”. I actually found
someone to mention it to but his response was that the pool is kept at 85
degrees. It was more like 100 +. I spent time in the atrium reading for a few
hours before heading upstairs.
Wednesday evening for dinner we were invited to the
Iron Cactus for dinner, sponsored by one of the
vendors that Doug does business with. We had a
wonderful Mexican dinner and enjoyed our time with other colleagues. Walking back late at night it was still quite
warm. We could have walked the River Walk
but opted to walk along the streets, which was a nice walk.
Thursday while Doug was working I went down to the River Walk
to take my “free” boat ride. It was
shortly before 10am so it wasn’t too warm.
Our guide was fun and he pointed out a lot of information about the
River Walk, the history and many of the buildings that are along the way.
That evening there was a conference event that I was invited
to. The “cowboy roundup”. Several people came with cowboy or plaid
shirts, boots, bandanas, etc. It was
held on the river on the back side of the hotel. Catered food and several entertainment
options. There was a mechanical bull
with a calf on a track in front. The
idea was to ride the bull the moved forward on the track with the calf, and try
to lasso the calf at the same time. They
also had a “shoot out” where two people stood opposite each other and drew
there pistols on signal. A laser
recorded the speed which identified the winner. Tables were set up for Poker and Blackjack
and a there was a Craps table too. It
was a fun event for everyone.
Friday morning was our first morning that we were free with no scheduled plans. We had prearranged to pick up a car at the
Marriott Rivercenter. We got the car
and drove north to the town of Johnson City.
We stopped for lunch at Ronnie’s BBQ.
We were hoping for the really “dive” dining experience which this turned out to be. Love the little “hole in the wall”
places. I had bbq turkey and I thought
it was great. Doug reached for the hotter bbq sauce to put on his food and as
he was squirting it out it sprayed all over his shirt! Well, we were at the beginning of our journey
so that was not going to work.
Fortunately they sold t-shirts advertising their place. Doug mentioned to them that it was a great
way to sell their t-shirts!
On the road again we went to the visitor center at Johnson
City to arrange a tour of the LBJ Ranch.
There were several buildings right in town that were historic including LBJs
childhood home, etc.
Outside there was a giant oak tree on the banks of the river
running below the house. Many
dignitaries were treated to his famous BBQs outside in the shade of the tree,
and the banks of the river.
We turned the car in so as not to pay the fee for parking
for the night, then took a walk to the Joe's Crab Shack for
dinner. Although this is a chain restaurant we have only been one other time several years ago. This turned out to be one of the best meals of our trip. It was still so warm out but a
pleasant walk.
Saturday, our last day.
I was ready to stay indoors. Doug had not yet seen the Alamo or a few of
the other parts of town. He wanted to take
pictures so we decided to do our own thing and meet at the hotel about 4pm for
our trip to the airport and flight home.
I walked over to the mall, had a bite to eat then went to
see a movie (Prisoners). Back at the
hotel we got a ride to the airport and left town. Although I liked exploring a new place, learning the history of the area, it was just too hot to be comfortable. I wouldn’t mind if we didn’t go there again,
unless we can find a cooler time of year.